We support people in their search for truth and meaning.

Coffee and Conversation: Battling Climate Change

This Sunday’s Coffee and Conversation will be facilitated by Bill Jacobs. The topic is: Battling Climate Change: Will there be “Winners” and “Losers”? And how do UU Principles 1, 2, 5 and 6 apply?

Recent News

  • New Times for Board Meeting & Book Club
    Changes are afoot in July! The 2024 board of trustees has several new additions, so the previous meeting time no longer suited. The monthly board meeting is therefore moving to the second Thursday of the month at 1 p.m. Members are always welcome to attend! Also on the second Thursday (but just every other month!), book club ...
  • UUA General Assembly 2024 Coming Up!
    The Unitarian Universalist Association’s annual meeting is coming up later this month. From June 20-23 UUs will gather virtually to conduct the Association’s business but also to learn, pray, and commune with other UUs. Find more information here. General Sessions (the business portion) and the Sunday morning worship will be livestreamed here and available on-demand afterwards. If ...
  • UUCY Auction Is Back!
    Plan to join us for the first UUCY auction since 2019! This year’s revival of a UUCY tradition will be held on Sunday, May 19th at Geet Indian Restaurant (1219 N 1st St) from noon to 3 p.m.


29 Jul
29 Jul 24
30 Jul
30 Jul 24
30 Jul 24
31 Jul
31 Jul 24

Healthy Relations Covenant

This congregation adopted a Healthy Relations Covenant, making these promises to each other.
  • Treat each other with kindness
  • Celebrate each other’s personal growth
  • Listen deeply to others
  • Speak with courage and humility
  • Share the ministry of this congregation