Speaker: Linda King

First Sunday Breakfast: Story: “I Am A Tiger”

Join us for a brief in-gathering, followed by communal pancake making and eating for all! Not a pancake fan? No problem, come for the community, and bring a snack if you feel so inclined. Gluten free pancakes available on request!

First Sunday Breakfast

Experience the wonder of life through story in this relaxed, but meaningful introduction to  “awe,” our theme for December, the traditional month of miracles. Bring the family to this short gathering, followed by pancakes and other victuals for everyone.

Get on the Bus!

Join us for this journey into our past, present and future as we explore our own UUCY Healthy Relations Covenant and what it means to us as individuals and as a church. Facilitated by Susan Kaphammer and Linda King.

Think Like a Storyteller

Use storytelling techniques to further your communication at work, at home, in life. Facilitated by Linda King.

First Sunday Pancake Breakfast

Bring the family to this all-ages pancake breakfast, with story and food for all.  Story and message presented by Linda King, Roger Smith, and Carole Sahlstrand.